Thursday, April 30, 2009

so you

I've been hurt so very deep
By the one who once made my life complete

He left his scars they do not show
Imprinted them within my soul

So forgive me friend if I get scared
but my emotions are temporarily under repair

I work on this heartbreak everyday
Slowly its damage is drifting away

IF you've ever been here
I know you'll understand

That what I need right now
is for you to stay my friend

i woke up early due to morning call from Shah. he is so annoying. trying to call me when i'm still so damn sleepy.
so now, i'm stuck in the same routine again. i have to do some revision for the next upcoming three papers (ok, actually i need more revision) and have to prepare myself for the job interview. The routines bite hard and my ambition is indeed low.It would not be all that bad if I am surrounded with the right people because at the time being, I just could not even stand the sight of my college building. Worse, staying in Shah Alam is suffocating me by days. i need to do something new. I have enough of student’s life. It is about time for me to embark on the new chapter of my life.

I am looking forward to it.

I know I am fucked up beyond recognition, and no, I know I need to be reminded from time to time and yes, I am taking every steps with care and cautions.

For the longest time, I keep myself guarded.

For the longest time, I keep everything to my own self.

I know I am such a dissapointment, I could never be anything than myself, and that being said, I’m trying to outdo the worst part of me from time to time.

It probably will not be the best decision I’ve made, I might be making the glorious mistake of my life and I may not be able to live my life the same way again.

It is sad, but I am learning.

for the 'one' who read this, i'm sorry for not being able to love you back (i know u reading this). but i really need you as my friend. you might not making any phone calls to me, no text, no myspace comments..I’ll be missing you, I hope you’ll be find for your new job. I hope you’ll find everything that you’ve been looking.

promise me you will always be my friend.forever.


besi said...

ain..semua org belajar dari kesilapan
cool ya awk.........

Paan Ovrtd said...


piqaiqapiqa . said...

be strong okay sis !

ain si kacak said...

besi: thx..i'm cool..hehe

dik an: wah!adik juga perlu tabah

piqah: i think i'm stronger than before..

Shahrul Tanaka said...

tabah,mbah.lembah n sabah?

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